Statement Regarding 4th Quarter Learning

Dear Community:

On Wednesday, March 24th, the Antioch School Board will be discussing whether we should return to in-person instruction at the beginning of April. Although an ideal goal, I want to also take this time to recognize that both parents and teaching staff have overwhelmingly expressed the desire for our school district to remain in distance learning for the remainder of the academic year.

Despite this fact, as a board, it is our duty to have a public discussion on the topic in order to provide all stakeholders with the opportunity to share their point of view and allows the board the opportunity to factor in the testimony in our decision-making process.

Regardless of what decision the Board makes, I recognize that this is a nuanced and highly complicated matter, as I know that we have a multitude of student stakeholder groups with different types of needs.

I know that not everyone will be happy with the decision the Board makes on Wednesday night. However, let us also take a moment to reflect on the fact that our community, like the rest of the world, has had to endure much in a short amount of time.

For as much as school districts are expected to have all of the answers, like your employers, we do not, and most do not either, as we have all lived through the biggest worldwide pandemic of our lifetime.

At the end of the day, the board and I are simply community volunteers trying our best to serve our community. It may not be perfect, but we are making decisions that we feel are in your best interest.

If you have time, I urge you to participate in our meeting and share your point of view by submitting a public comment via an online form at

I thank you for your support and understanding. Together, let us begin the process of healing from the nightmare that has been COVID-19.


Ellie Householder, President 

Antioch Unified School District Board of Education 

The above graphic outlines the AUSD Staff proposal for 4th Quarter Learning.

The above graphic outlines the AUSD Staff proposal for 4th Quarter Learning.


